Freitag, 8. Juli 2016

21.15 Uhr / bewölkt, 26.3° C


Lieblingslieder (104):

Omie Wise
American Traditional

Omie (Naomi) Wise (1789-1808) war ein vielbesungenes, mausarmes schwangeres Mädchen, das von ihrem Freund John Lewis zu einem Fluss gelockt und ertränkt wurde, damit sich dieser einer neuen Liebe zuwenden konnte.

Das Lied wird und wurde von unzähligen bekannten und unbekannten Musikern gespielt.

Okkervil River / aus ihrem Album Julie Doiron/Okkervil River, USA 2003

Grossmeister Jason Molina / Live-Aufnahme von 2007, nicht auf CD erhältlich

Oh gather round people, I'll tell you no lies,
How John Lewis did murder poor little Omie Wise.
He told her to meet him at Adams' Spring.
He would bring her money and other fine things.

So, fool-like she met him at Adams' Spring.
He brought her no money, no other fine things.
He brought her no money, but flattered his case,
"We will go get married, there will be no disgrace."

"John Lewis, John Lewis, please tell me your mind,
Do you intend to marry me or leave me behind?"
"Little Omie, little Omie, I'll tell you my mind,
My mind is to murder you and leave you behind."

"Have pity on my unborn child, spare me my life,
I'll go and I'll admit that I was never your wife."
But he kicked her and choked her and turned her around:
Held her under deep water where he knew that she would drown.

Little Omie was missing they all did well know,
And hunting for her to the river did go.
And there found her floating on the water so deep,
Which caused all the women to sigh and to weep.

The neighbours they came for to see the great sight,
While she lay a'floating on the water all night.
So gather around people and I told you no lies,
How John Lewis did murder Naomie Wise.

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